Green Building Certification:LEED® certification and China Green Warehouse certification
We developed our logistics parks based on green building standards and obtained green building Certifications.
LCA Assessment:11% GWP Reduction
We adopted LCA modeling to optimize structural system and select local environmentally friendly materials to minimize potential negative impacts on the local environment.
Green Design and Construction
Green Design:Implement thermal insulation throughout the warehouse and adopt natural lighting to reduce lighting system energy consumption.
Professional Operation, Smart Energy System, Renewable Energy
Renewable energy generated on site:9,178,000 kWh*
GHG emissions reduced, approximately equivalent to coal-fired power generation:7,600 tCO2e*
Equivalent trees planted:330,000*
Indoor flushing water and outdoor irrigation water saving:100%
Rainfall collection resulting from sponge city concept design:90%
Energy saving achieved by efficient lighting and ventilation system:29%
Provide tenants with green infrastructure:EV Charging Station
*Based on predicated renewable energy generation on site annually

We Provide High-quality Service and Proactively Engage with Stakeholders
Excellent Service
Ensure Health and Safety
Active Tenant Engagement

We Empower Our Employees and Care for Community
Employee Development
Welfare and Work-Life Balance
Health and Safety
Local Community Donation
1ESG governance structure is vital for integrating ESG into our operations.
The systematic and proactive management help us navigate risks and achieve long-term success in a changing business landscape.
ESG Management Hierarchy -
2ESG governance structure is vital for integrating ESG into our operations.
The systematic and proactive management help us navigate risks and achieve long-term success in a changing business landscape.
ESG Governance Structure -
3ESG governance structure is vital for integrating ESG into our operations.
The systematic and proactive management help us navigate risks and achieve long-term success in a changing business landscape.
ESG Policies and Guidelines

To be an exemplary logistics property development and operating platform by integrating sustainability into our real estate lifecycle and creating long-term value for our stakeholders.
To be an exemplary logistics property development and operating platform by integrating sustainability into our real estate lifecycle and creating long-term value for our stakeholders.
ULI-Women's Leadership Initiative
EGRC-Educating Girls of Rural China
China Green Warehouses